Wednesday, February 2, 2011


i've got a good question for all of you out there...

have you ever been talking to a friend, or family member who is either an inactive LDS member or not a member at all, and they express "their" beliefs to you but insist they disagree with the LDS church wholeheartedly...only they don't realize, and wont listen to you when you try to tell them that what they "believe" is not what the church they go to believes and is actually LDS doctrine?!

ok, obviously i am raising my hand because i totally have!

here is a major difference that i have noticed between the LDS church and my previous church experience:

i know what i believe. before being baptized i had ideas of what i believed, i knew i had faith...believed in the bible etc. but when it came to really knowing what my church believed i had no idea.

now i do.

there is so much comfort in knowing what you believe and being able to answer people's questions when they say, "what do you guys believe?!"

only here is something else i have noticed.

if you ask a person what church they go to and they say "st. marks" or something like that...there are no follow up questions, people just don't ask questions about other religions...just a smile and a nod or a "cool" in return from the questioner.

if someone asks what church i go to and i say the LDS church, i end up playing 20 questions...not that that is a bad thing...its just an interesting observation...wouldn't you say?! {say yes.}

anyway. enough ranting for now...i am going outside to play in the sunshine! :]


{i just realized that i deleted the 'followers' tab on the side of my blog...if you want to 'follow' my blog and be updated when i write a post you can scroll to the top of the page and put your cursor at the top. a bar will show up and on the lefthand side it says it, and make you and me happy! :] }


  1. Haha YES! I totally know what you mean about both of those things! I remember BEFORE I was a member of the church, I would tell people I was a Christian and that was the end of the story. No more questions. Now when I tell people a am LDS, they ask me a million questions about it. I guess we are just interesting and people want to know more (either that, or they just think us Mormons are weirdos, lol). =]

  2. your comment totally made me laugh. unfortunately it's probably the latter...oh well! :]

  3. I feel like I don't get as many questions as I used to (since I've been a member for 10 years), but I totally know what you are talking about!
