Sunday, February 6, 2011

fast and testimony meeting

for those of you who don't know, the first sunday of each month is called "fast and testimony meeting". this means that every first sunday of every month the members of the LDS church forego 2 meals {usually breakfast and lunch} and the money that we would have spent on those meals is then donated to the church.

also, during church on the first sunday of the month there are no speakers, no planned talks to share, merely the members of the congregation are given the opportunity to walk to the front of the chapel and bear their testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel, if would like to.

it can get preeeeetty awkward sometimes when no one is going up to the front, but someone always ends up getting up and then they are followed by other individuals who just needed someone else to go first.

anyway, months and months ago i decided to go up to the front and bear my testimony. i could feel the spirit so strongly telling me to get up and go talk about my love and gratitude for the church...

so i got up, walked to the front and began to speak.

and then it happened.

i said PILGRIMS....pilgrims instead of pioneers! {i didn't even correct myself because i didn't realize i did it until it was too late to go back and say the correct word}

this may not seem like that big of a deal, but to LDS people the pioneers are a BIG part of history, and as we know, pioneers and pilgrims are TOTALLY different.

whoops. how embarrassing!

yes, there are worse things that could have happened...tripping on my way up there to name one. but i think i am scarred for life, which is totally silly!

have any of you out there said or done anything awkward or embarrassing in public?!

do share!


  1. I got up to bear my testimony about a year and a half ago. I wanted to say something about my sister (21 years old at the time), whom I recently found out decided the church wasn't for her anymore right now and is into drinking and experimenting with drugs. I got up there to say something about how I'm so grateful for my testimony, but as I soon as I mentioned her name I started sobbing uncontrollably and my whole body started shaking so badly that I almost fell over. I had to end my testimony right then because I literally couldn't speak through the sobbing and I thought I might pass out. It was pretty embarrassing. I would much rather have accidentally said pilgrims when referring to pioneers. :)

  2. but that is so sweet! it really shows how much you care for and love your sister!

    thanks for sharing! :]
