Monday, September 30, 2013

the new me.

since i have been gone there have been some big changes in my life.
a lot can happen in a year. 
but of course you already know that.

if you are new to my blog, or an old friend, i figured i'd 'reintroduce' myself and give you some background on the new me. 

brace yourself.
this will be a lengthy one.

if you were already reading my blog 
you knew i was pregnant from the post prior to my disappearance. 
i am no longer pregnant (obviously) 
and have a beautiful baby girl. 
right from the get-go, the stinker is just like her dad: stubborn.  
our stubborn little babe was 10 days overdue. 
and i had to be induced. 
that was a ball of fun.

actually, i won't get into that can of worms. 
lets just say-- i hope to never be induced again.
baby c (the cutie from yesterday) is now 3 months old. 
she is such a bundle of sweetness in our life.
and obviously has dad wrapped around her pinky.

i mentioned yesterday i had a change in careers.
i am now a proud SAHM.
stay at home momma

it's been a big change, but a great one too.
i miss the smell of crayons. 
setting up my classroom.
 but mostly i miss the little ones in my class.
that being said...
i know that staying home with baby c will be extremely rewarding.
i am grateful for the opportunity to do so.
{maybe i will have to go buy a box of crayons and sniff them... mr. sketch markers anyone?}

ok. i'm writing too much.
{deep breath}

i overuse ellipses...
i don't type with capital letters {usually}.
i'm obsessed with diet coke.
and i love the rain.
disneyland IS the happiest place on earth.
i'm a sugar fiend. 
i want a 'big' family.
i now have an iPhone...i know. i caved.
the husband and i are high school sweethearts (kinda).


ooooobviously, i'm mormon.
 hence the title of my blog.
but i haven't always been.
you can read my conversion story starting with this post.

well...i think this post is long enough.
if you just cannot get enough of me, because you love me that much...
 you can read some more fun facts about me here.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


hey there.
hi there.

no, you aren't dreaming. and yes... 

i. am. back.

after almost a year long hiatus, the birth of a child, and a change in careers...
i am officially back on (in?) the blogosphere.

i have wanted to start back at it for a while and after requests from friends, 
and inspiration from a new friend, 
i decided it was time to make my 'big return'.

so hello! 

i hope you'll still have me. 

now, for your patience...
 here's some eye candy for you: 

it was worth the wait, wasn't it?!