Wednesday, February 23, 2011

confessions of a convert...

so i have another confession to post, and you all much answer the question at the end because i need your help!

i have to say that i have always been a pretty modest dresser.

some of you may disagree because of standards you were raised by, but that is my opinion, and this is MY blog. :]

i have never worn the tiny little abercrombie shorts, with holes basically on the butt cheeks...although i used to wear shorts.
i have never been comfortable wearing low cut tops or mini skirts.

my confession here is that although i understand the reasons for dressing modestly, it is REALLY hard to find cute, modest clothing...key word: cute, and this makes life realllllly frustrating sometimes.

i want to dress in cute clothes.
i want to dress in modest clothes.
i know i can do both...

i love shade's clothes, they are cute and modest without looking like a 'molly-mormon' (altough they are closed for a little longer).

but i cannot, for my life, find other clothing websites that have cute modest clothes that i know i can order from... and wont have to send back because they're too short, too low, too wide on the shoulders etc.

does anyone have any good websites with fabulous clothes?!

help. help. help.
i had to add this to my post:

this is what we're working with people. i searched for modest clothing and i found this:

Click Image For Different View

quote from my sister-in-law: "is it a one piece or a two piece?"

i really don't know.

what i do know is that not only is this wonderful modest ADULT outfit sold out in 3 sizes, it is also $60.


{ok rant is over}


  1. (I've only been a follower for a short time). But I'm also a convert and I have this same issues. I complain to my husband about it constantly. Basically I just buy layering tees from Shade or Downeast Basics, and then I buy whatever tops I want. I just put a fitted tee under it and I'm good to go. As for skirts/dresses. I can't help you much there because I have yet to find a solution!

  2. i always complain to my husband about it too! {the great thing is that when i find clothes {like shade} that work, he almost always lets me get them!...within reason of course}

    i definitely need to check out Downeast Basics...thanks for the suggestion!

  3. Downeast Basics is every LDS girls style saving grace...there t-shirts are PERFECT for layering with garments.

    Banana Republic and Gap are some of my favorites. Not EVERY single thing is going to be modest, but because they are marketing towards a crowd that is above age 18, things tend to lean towards modest. Some of my favorite dresses are from BR and I don't have to change anything besides maybe wear a cami about to wear them with garments. A lot of my favorite tops are from there, too.

    I would say...spend a LITTLE more money on good, long-lasting staples that are modest. It's worth it.

    Good luck!

  4. Check out these tops...

  5. That little purple ensemble is a gem, haha! I love to layer and wear cardigans over everything. Cardigans, or jackets, sweaters, or those ballero cardigan things (those ones that fall mid-back). Depending on the season, you can find lots of cute cardigans at Forever 21 or Nordstrom BP (the juniors section, and reasonably priced too). If a shirt seems to be a bit low-cut, I wear those men's "wife beater" tanks underneath, I buy a pack of 5 from Target for like 6 bucks. Also, I always keep my eye out for knee-length dresses, skirts, and shorts. They totally pop up every now and again. Last summer, I found knee-length denim shorts at Nordstrom BP for $40...I wore them every single day! I also found knee-length grey shorts at Gap last summer. But you're right, it's not easy, you have to get creative!

    OH, and here's a fashionably cute girl's blog about being Mormon and modest!

  6. Do you like ModCloth?? Some of their stuff can be pricey but I also check the sales!

  7. That piece of crap is sixty bucks?

    I would give tips, but I'm not usually very cute, except in that jeans-and-solid-tee sort of way. *sigh*

  8. Downeast Basics is the best. I love their stuff. Also, you should check out this site:

    She is always linking to cute, modest clothes.

    Also, Target often has modest clothing that is really cute.

    Thrift Stores have great stuff from time to time - it's kind of hit or miss but I get a lot of my clothes second hand and I find a lot of modest options.

    Good luck!

