Monday, January 31, 2011

primary songs and kids to come.

{reflecting on gina's comment about "thinking about the future for comfort" from this post}

i was driving to my mom's house just yesterday and the husband and i were listening to the Children's Songbook CD Collection...this one:

{for those of you who are not LDS it is a compilation of TONS of songs that are sung at church by the children in sunday school}

i put in the discs as a little bit of a joke because i wanted to prove to the husband that i knew all the books of the new testament in order... {there are songs to help you memorize things like that}. after accomplishing my goal of surprising him with my raw singing talent {not!}, we started listening to other primary songs that he remembers from when he was younger.

some of them are good, some are a little irritating, but all in all they are sweet. and let's face it, kids love to sing!

well, all of a sudden a song came on and it was a family singing "when there's love at home". it immediately made me think to the future...a flash of the husband and i, and our little children singing popped into my head. i was overwhelmed with the spirit.

its funny how one second you can be laughing and making fun of a silly song, the next you can be watery-eyed and emotional.

i cannot believe that one day the husband and i will have children {God willing} and they will be singing primary songs. they will go to church. they will be baptized.

it is all surreal.

so thank you gina for helping me to think about the future and the joy that it will bring. it does help, and it makes it all worth it!


  1. I'm not LDS, but my husband is. We've been going to church pretty regularly and I'm currently considering being baptised. I struggle so much with making that leap, but I find great comfort in picturing our family going to church together and my children singing these songs. The challenges of the present are easier to cope with when you have the promise of such a bright future.

  2. i wish I had that advice, "the challenges of the present are easier to cope with when you have the promise of such a bright future" long before now. it helps SOOOO much!

    as far as baptism, it's a HUGE decision to make! it would be weird if you weren't struggling with the pro's, con's, ups and downs {in my opinion!} ...just be patient and say your prayers! ...that is the best advice I think anyone can give because it makes the decision very personal and all your own. only you can effect your prayers! :]

    good luck with everything!

