Monday, February 21, 2011

you there?!

i thought i had lost you comments, no nothing.

{not that you NEED to comment, but it's always nice!}

anyway, i just realized that my blog not only was not showing up on certain web browsers, but also all the comment forms were missing.

i have been having a TON of technical difficulties with my blog recently and i am slowly working them out.

hang in there! i am fixing them one by one.

comments are back up! go on, you know you want to leave one! :]


  1. hurray for comment capabilities! i am interested in how your talk went. i am sure it was great!!!

  2. Emily! Hi! My talk is THIS sunday...eeek...that is scaaaaary.

    p.s we have a copy of the movie josh was in if you want one! email me and we can get it to ya!

  3. we would love a copy. i will shoot you an email.

  4. He was in a movie? Do tell!
