Saturday, February 19, 2011

talking in church.

i was asked to give a talk in sacrament meeting.


{like i mentioned before, the speakers at church on sundays are members of the congregation. each week there are 2 speakers and sometimes a youth speaker as well}

i was asked over a week ago if i could give a talk on the 27th, along with the husband too, and i have yet to write anything...

the husband has written two talks already {although he is unhappy with both}, and is stressed... he keeps mentioning how unprepared he is, and how he really needs to "get things together for the talk".

hey thanks babe, i haven't even started!!

stress. stress. stress.

did i mention i am STRESSED!

i have had zero time to even think about giving a talk that is now in...ONE WEEK.

i am thinking i should just steal one of his talks... but don't worry, i most likely wont.

i've got this right!?


would you all like me to post my talk on the 27th after church?
comment below and let me know.

(yep, i am a poet...not).

OH and btw, i asked my mom and grandma to come to church that day to hear me and the husband speak...scaaaaary.

have a wonderful saturday!


  1. ahh isn't that the worst?!! i get sooooo nervous, and i can just feel the phone call coming since we recently moved into a new ward. but I love church talks...definitely post yours! ps. do you have a personal blog too?!

  2. i don't have a personal blog...although this one gets really personal :] i have been thinking about making another blog, but haven't made the leap there yet...

  3. I always get SUPER nervous giving talks, but each time you do it, it gets less and less scary . . . in theory. ;o) Seriously, it's like anything else, it's a growing experience!

  4. Pshh, one week is plennnty of time. I think most people write their's the night before. ;0)(oh wait, maybe that's just me?...) Don't stress, just know that you have the Holy Ghost with you (and lots of LDS resources) to guide you along the way. I'm sure you will do great. And yes, please do share the finished product! I can tell just from reading your blog, that you have such a strong testimony, and I am dying to read your talk. =]

  5. He did a great job.

    Too bad you were "too sick" to speak. ;)

  6. Dyann, I could have come to church and given you "the plague" if want...'the husband' called me after during PEC and asked me if I was up to speaking still, i said yes (more like squeeked because i had literally no voice) and it was the bishopric that wouldn't let me come to church and speak/infect everyone.

    i was actually afraid that everyone was going to think that i was chicken-ing out...absolutely not! :p

    strep or not i wanted more than anything to speak with my hubby! :(
