Monday, January 10, 2011


i was asked a VERY good question on formspring.

one that i have wondered myself at times, and had to get the asnwer from someone other than myself... so i figured i would share it with you all {including the answer}.

my formspring box is over on the righthand side of the blog...don't be shy, ask {mostly} any questions and i will do my best to answer it!

question from 'anonymous':
"You sound lovely, but how come your husband was willing to date a wild party girl (before!) when he was mormon?"

{thanksgiving 'turkey bowl' win! and 3 years before my baptism}


Sometimes I wonder that myself...he has more patience than anyone I know that's for sure!

While I wouldn't necessarily tag myself as a "wild" party girl {though I did drink} I think meeting in high school helped. There were not many LDS kids at our public high school and so most of his friends drank- though he did not, they completely supported him for his choice not to.

We had the same core group of friends our Junior Year in High School which is when we both started liking each other. I don't think we would have met in college because he would have never gone looking for his future wife in that I am really lucky...

ultimately I am not sure why he was willing to stick-it-out with me...let's ask him!

Husband's Response:

"Interesting question, I don't think I have ever been asked that before. Going off of what
Kristen already said, we met when we were in High School, I have tried to look past peoples actions and see them for the good (I think the good naturally outweighs the bad for most people). I saw Kristen for what she really was, not the partying or differing views of faith we had, but rather a person with so much good and beauty. Both inside and out.

Kristen was inherently different than all of the other girls at high school. There was just "something" about her. Admittedly it was very tough on our relationship through the first 2 college years, but I would say it also brought us a lot closer at the same time.

So to sum it all up, me being Mormon only helped me have the opportunity to look deeper at Kristen, rather than just seeing her looks/appearances and what you see on the outside. If I did not have my faith and was not Mormon I would have probably never even been looking for a girlfriend. I would have probably never stuck it out and would not be married to this wonderful woman.

Being LDS is all about trying to emulate Christ, and trying to become a better person through Him. It is about changing yourself into something that you were not previously. I guess it has taught me to see people in that same light.

Thanks again for the question!

-The Husband "

{may 23rd birthday}

{he makes me smile...a lot!}


  1. What great answers from you both. I had the same question as your Formspringer but didn't feel it was appropriate to ask. I did not drink at all in my first year of college, and I felt so much pressure. I sought out other non-drinkers because I didn't like being around the pressure. (I gave in sophomore year, but I'm still a "one-drink wonder.") I couldn't understand how your husband would stay so connected to you.

    Then I read your answer. I LOVE that your husband and his family didn't just write you off in high school because of your religious differences. It does seem really heaven-sent that you found each other so young and that you stayed together despite your differences. Christ really put his hand on your relationship and guided you both - I am in awe.

    1. Cristin, I keep thinking about the post that you left me almost 2 years ago! I am so grateful to have been able to reflect on this formspring question, and your last 2 sentences of this comment make me think about my relationship with my husband constantly. I posted a something today that I think you'd like to see! :)

      Hope you are well!
