Friday, January 21, 2011


its friday. and thank goodness for that. it's been one of THOSE weeks...{you know, where it feels like so much has happened that you think it's friday but its monday around...11:00am. great.}

this is all i want to do:

have a giant bowl of popcorn.
eat lots of candy.
watch a movie.

now all i have to do is find the husband, wherever he is, and convince him to want to do the same.

happy friday everyone. hope you week was better than mine! :p


  1. Hi Kristen! I jumped over from Jenna's blog and couldn't stop reading! I adore your blog and absolutely love your story, thank you so much for sharing. You are such a doll! Similar to you guys, my dad joined the church when he was dating my mom; it's my favorite love story. :) Meeting the opposition from his family is something that has strengthened my testimony more than anything, and I want nothing more than to share it with them, and everyone else for that matter. You have inspired me, thank you!!!

  2. Bethany,

    Thank you so much for the sweet comment! You totally made my night last night when I read it!

