Saturday, January 8, 2011

"i'm a convert, not a convert-er!"

since being baptized into the LDS church i have really only focused on myself. what i mean by that is that i have been busy growing my own testimony and learning more about the gospel and the church to help me grow.

i cannot count, or even remember, the number of times i have been asked if my family is interested, or been told i should talk to my mom, my brothers, my dad, step mom, step siblings, aunts, uncles, dog.....{just kidding, i don't even have a dog}...about the church.

i have to admit, it made me frustrated having so many people pressure me about my family, and hearing them say "they'll be members some day". i would think to myself:
'what do i care if they are members?! i was just baptized...let me figure myself out!'

well... everything's changed.

last sunday my husband and i watched a movie: "Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration". i had seen the movie just twice before sunday, both times i was very emotional, and both times included a LOT of crying {even the first time i saw the movie which was before i was a member of the church}.

this time we watched it, it was much different.

the entire movie i could not stop crying. i cried harder than i have even cried when watching a movie in my entire life.

as i watched i couldn't believe that i was a part of what i was watching... that everything Joseph Smith did, everything he went though {losing friends, children, being tarred and feathered, being killed for what he believed} has become a part of my life and has made it possible for me to be where i am today.

and then i started crying even harder. i wished so badly, for the first time, that my family would know what i know. that they could share with me in the great happiness that i feel because of my membership in the LDS church. i wish their hearts would be softened and they could feel what i do, that they could just... understand.

i want so badly to sit by my mom at church on sundays. i want my family there with me. i want to go to the temple with them... to be sealed to each one of them.

i am filled with so many emotions.







but mostly gratitude... for those members of the church who came before me. who showed me the way, and led those to come in the greatest way possible- by example.

i hope i can be that light for someone else. i hope i can be more like they were.


  1. Oh, how overwhelming ... but exciting? to have that evolution of feeling. You have a really sweet testimony.

  2. exciting, yes...but it is definitely more overwhelming to me than exciting at this point, {where do i even begin?!} but i do know with a little faith that will change in the's going to take lots and LOTS of prayers...that i know for sure!

  3. Thank you for being so open about your experiences. This blog could end up being a great blessing to someone someday. And know that the impossible is always possible.My grandfather joined the church a little over a year before he died. And long after we had all given up on him joining. Never give up hope.

  4. I have these same exact feelings. Sometimes it seems as if our families are so far from knowing the truth and it frustrates me to no end to think how much use the gospel could be to them. The greatest thing that I have learned though is that I get to start my own family and give my children the blessing of being raised with that beautiful knowledge. So if you ever get discouraged focus on the future rather than the past. It will bring immense amounts of comfort.

  5. Where to begin?

    Just be you. Just be happy, kind, patient, good you...your example will be a great first step for those you love.

