Saturday, August 25, 2012

trippin' part 1

the husband and i had a wonderful time
on our trip down the west coast.

we woke up early 
hopped in the car
and drove straight to sunny san fran.
and when i say sunny, i mean freezing cold.
the thickest fog i have ever seen rolled in around 6:30 every night.
yes, rolled.
or maybe crawled?
you could literally watch it creep its way down the street
until it surrounded you
in it's wet, thick, cold, air.

who has their 'winter' season during august?! 
thanks san francisco.

while we were there we ate wonderful food.
and then went and got more food.
and then we ate food.

did i mention we ate lots of food?

lets just say i wont be eating sugar or sweets for a while.
{ least until my pants fit again.}
{don't was my second milkshake of the day}
{saturday market with amazing fruits and veggies...and some questionable flavored water}
{we almost got eaten by a seagull...hey, not much different than seattle!}
{we went to a few uh-mazing local market places}
{and we ate, and ate, and ate then got dessertS}

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