Monday, October 14, 2013


'popular' music, the music on the radio, in my opinion, is designed to distract you...
meaning-- its music that has a catchy beat, 
but if you truly listen to the words 
it's littered with sex, partying, drugs, and all things worldly and material.
its designed to make you feel good,
to make you think about yourself, to want to dance and have fun.
it's designed to make you feel wanted and attractive.

don't get me wrong, 
you can often find me jamming out to some of the 'popular' tunes on the radio.
i will be the first to admit that.
but the music i listen to is a little bit different these days, especially with baby c in the car.
there is nothing like having a little one to change your perspective.

i've turned off a lot of the 'popular' music on radio stations 
and started being much more selective on what i chose to listen to.
we've been listening to more classical music,
more church hymns,
and now, we will get a chance to listen to lullabies. 

there is nothing like baby lullabies to help you slow down
 and help you truly realize the world around you.
i have noticed since this change i am also a happier person when i drive. 
i am less stressed, and much more patient.

i am not, in any way, saying that you shouldn't listen to the music in the radio,
i just know that the music i listen to dramatically changes my mood.
for example, you wouldn't listen to calming lullabies prior to running a marathon...
you'd want music to pump you up and make you excited.

i would challenge you, 
even if you don't have a child in the car, 
to be more selective with your music choice and see how it makes you feel.
if you are feeling anxious or impatient, in the car especially, 
try switching up the tunes you are listening to.
i think you'll be surprised.

i just burned a cd today and will put it in the car this afternoon.
it totally brought me back to my high school days...
you know, when making mixes and decorating cd's was the cool thing to do. 

so be a cool kid, and go burn a cd! 

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