Monday, November 11, 2013

a place of peace.

i was asked if i might share some pictures of baby c's nursery.
but i want to preface the pictures with some thoughts...
as always.

when i found out i was pregnant, 
it was quite a shock.
after all, just a few weeks prior 
i was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome...
a syndrome that can leave you with many fertility issues.
in my case, i was lucky.
the diagnosis was wrong.
while i do struggle with extremely painful ovarian cysts,
i would not have to worry about the awful 'i' word so many struggle with.

the excitement kicked in and i was beyond overjoyed to plan.
ask anyone that knows me...
i am a list writer.
an organizer.
a planner.

one thing i couldn't wait to get started on was our baby's nursery.
i knew i wanted to go neutral with the bedding and many of the decorations.
i also knew i would add pops of either blue or pink depending on the gender of our child.

when we found out c was a girl, i was pretty shocked.
i had thought that our little one was a boy.
in fact i was pretty sure of it.
jokes on me i guess! 
thrilled to be having a baby girl, i wanted to jump into decorating asap.
the only problem:
chloe's nursery was currently a home office for the husband.

the next few months were as follows:
me: hey dear, lets clean out the middle room so i can start getting ready for the baby! 
the husband: we've got a lot of time, lets just hold off a bit.

you can just repeat the last few lines. 

the husband was excited for her arrival, but not all that thrilled to be giving up his office.
of course, in time, we slowly packed things up.
moved his desk to our bedroom
 and cleared out what would soon become baby c's little place of peace.

i am beyond pleased with how it turned out.
you know how projects don't end up how you envisioned, 
probably like 99% of the time?!
well, this one i am happy to say turned out exactly how i wanted.
i guess all that extra time i had while the husband was dragging his feet 
gave me plenty of time to really plan
{and search pinterest}.

i didn't think her room would be super girly,
but the pops of pink i chose 
{the drapes, and scrapbook paper, along with some gifts from family members and friends}
made her room especially girly.
perfect for our little june bug.

{sorry in advance for the crumby pictures. they are from my phone}


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