Wednesday, August 3, 2011


it happened again...

and i swear i am being followed.

whenever i am struggling or issues in my life have come up,
that sunday at church something weird happens.

it happened last sunday.

i was at church like usual, paying attention to all the lessons that every one had prepared like normal when i went to relief society {the class for women only}

as i listened, i realized that the lesson being taught 
was addressing, quite literally, all the problems that i was facing that week. 

i could not have planned a better lesson for
what i was going brought tears to my eyes.

i was overwhelmed by the spirit in the room.

so then, who is following me and telling the teachers 
exactly what to say?!

because it is definitely not just a coincidence.
and it happens all the time


  1. The Spirit is pretty amazing how it works that way! I have been feeling that a LOT lately. The Lord works through small and simple every day miracles, and some big ones too!

  2. pssst--you ARE being followed! You're being watched, too, 100% of the time. Luckily, it's by Someone who loves you a whole heckuva lot. 'Cause He created you.
