Friday, March 4, 2011

confessions of a convert.

i am writing this post with a heavy heart.

after 3 years teaching primary {sunday school}, with the cutest kids ever, i am officially done.

last week was supposed to be my last, but obviously i didn't teach.

so thats it.

no last class.

no party that i had planned to say goodbye to the cutest CTR 4 class ever.
{LDS sunday school classes are seperated by the age the children are on january 1...i had the 4 year olds...the class was called CTR-choose the right 4}

no expaining to the kids why i am 'abandoning' them, which is what it feels like i am doing.

i have loved being in primary. i practically begged to be called to teach.

there have definitely been ups and downs, hard days, amazing days, hilarious days, and everything in between. i have learned more from those kids then i could have ever taught them and i am so grateful i was able to be their teacher.

now, you may be wondering why this is a confession...well its because i asked to be released from being a teacher. {cue tears...why am i always crying?!} i don't think you are supposed to ask to be released but i did. and hey, i am a convert so i don't know the unwritten 'rules' anyway half the time...

so i confess... it was me. they did not ask me to stop teaching, and TRUST me i did NOT want to stop, but i had to. i had to think of me for once.

i am being stretched so thin right now that i think i might break in to 8 pieces. i don't have enough time for anything...not enough time for homework, or school, or student teaching, for planning the amazing primary lessons those kids deserve, and especially not enough time for the husband. he has been beyond neglected and i have been beyond mean/rude/the-worst-wife-ever the past month {which is not good considering we got married 7 months ago in 2 days} and its time for a change.

i feel the strong need to go to church and go to MY sunday school...sunday school for learn for me, to listen, and grow.

will i miss being in primary? yes. will i get to teach primary better hope i get to, otherwise i will go all hulk on everyone! {just kidding...sort of}

so thats it, thats what i had to tell you all...

and now i am going to go pack.

the husband and i are going to visit my dad in charleston, sc. we have to be at the airport at 5:00am...that means waking up really early.

so goodbye for now. i will miss you all.

see you back here in t-minus one week...

1 comment:

  1. Hey so I've asked to be released from a calling before. I felt guilty back I mentally couldn't handle it. I think that you should feel proud of how long you stuck it out and were a great teacher. I'm sure you feel like people are judging but they shouldn't. I'm not. I know were you are coming from. And Hey if a I've been a member all my life and done you can too. Hope you are feeling better...
