Thursday, December 5, 2013


a pet peeve of mine is hypocrisy. 
if something really bugs you, ya probably shouldn't do it, right?

that being said, when i cook/bake i am definitely a 'by-the-recipe' gal.
you won't find me in the kitchen without a recipe. 
and let me tell you, or you can ask the husband,
i follow recipes to a 't'. 
the thought of no recipe? 
please excuse me while i shudder a little. 

today i decided to make some good ol' chex mix.
{one of the many kitchen-y items on my bucket list}
now, i have to mention, i make chex mix the right way.
what way is that you ask?
 the way without the extra garbage...i mean...without the pretzels and nuts.
everyone just picks out the cereal part anyway right?
{ok, maybe that's just me}

anywho, i had actually just finished telling the husband i was going to make chex mix
 "the right way"
when it happened...
i must love my salt because i decided to use a tablespoon instead of a teaspoon for all the spices.

the irony... not 4 days ago i jumped on the husband 
for using a tablespoon instead of a teaspoon when we were baking chocolate chip cookies.
{as it turns out, he actually was using the right measurement, double whoops}

i had to laugh when i told him i measured the seasonings wrong.
let's just say, he had a good time with that one.

the good news: i saved the day {aka the chex mix}.

{my little helper}

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