Tuesday, July 26, 2011

confessions of a convert.

i received a few questions on formspring {due to yesterday's post}
 i will be answering them all...
but here is the first:

question: hardest part about converting?

this is an easy one for me...
although i hate to admit it. 

thus it is a great addition to my "confessions" series.

the hardest part about converting, for me, was the instant label/ stereotype that i was giving myself.
when most people hear the word "mormon" it isn't usually the best of thoughts that pops into their head.
and i was one of those people...so i know.

it was extremely hard for me to realize that if i joined the church
i would be a "mormon"...

why did there have to be such a negative connotation to the word?!

i still struggle with this, to a much lesser degree.
occasionally i get nervous for people to find out what religion i am...
i don't want them to think differently about me because of what i believe in.

and especially not because of stereotypes and rumors.

Monday, July 25, 2011

what do you want to know?!

is there something you have been just dying for me to blog about?
 an aspect of my conversion story 
or about my life now?

now's your chance to ask...
formspring me!

i will post the questions and answers on this here blog.
it's anonymous so you don't have to be worried about the question you ask...

so what are you waiting for?

ask away! 

{and remember no question is a bad one!}

Saturday, July 23, 2011

no words.

my heart is truly hurting right now...

i am literally in pain because of all of the sadness and suffering 
that goes on in our world every day.

 i am especially hurting for norway right now...

i hate that this type of event can happen to innocent people.

 i hate that there is nothing i can do about it,
and nothing i can do to prevent it from happening again.

my heart is with all the family, friends, loved ones, and any one 
who has been affected by this tragedy.

my prayers are with you all. 

Friday, July 22, 2011

o-ficially done.

i did it! 

i am officially done with my master's in teaching program.


it has been a long year. 
to say the least.

i have learned a lot. 
prepared a lot. 
stressed out...a lot.
neglected the husband a lot. 
lost sleep...a lot. 
and gone a little crazy.

but it has been oh, so worth it...becuase I AM DONE

{hopefully i will be able to teach this little guy some day!}

that's all! 

happy friday friends! 


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

confessions of a convert.

so anyone who knows a bunch about the LDS church knows about callings.

a calling is when you are asked to be a specific position in the church...it might be a sunday school teacher, a leadership position, or you {if you are a male with the priesthood} might even be called to be the bishop...but all of these positions are unpaid, and done by faith and obedience.

please...tell me if the following is a convert thing:

i am pretty sure i want every-single-calling possible that i could have...

when i think of what i would like to do 
{and remember you don't pick your callings, so this was just daydreaming really} 
i'll think of one calling, like being a relief society teacher, and then all of a sudden i think of a completely different calling, like working with the young women of the church {high school age} and  knowing i would love that as well...

i get excited for every opportunity that is out there for me!

here comes the kicker...

remember this confession....
i asked to be released from my last calling...
which you just don't typically do...
so who am i kidding, i probably don't deserve one at all! 
but i am ready when it happens! 

Friday, July 15, 2011

me! a photographer?!

the husband and i are taking our friends' engagement pictures today...
have we ever taken any one's engagement pictures before?

last month we shot a different friend's wedding video.

i am noticing a trend here...and yikes.
 i am pretty sure wedding photography is not on my resume.
nor do i claim to be a good photographer...
but here goes nothing!

i will let you know how it goes!
{fingers are crossed it goes well!}

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


the husband just finished a new video, and i just have to show you. 
every time he creates a new video i am more and more impressed...its insanity.
i am thinking he should take over my blog because he has a waaaayy with words, i tell ya!

this particular video is about finding spirituality...
it was inspired by a hike he took a year ago with our brother-in-law.

take the time to watch the video...you will not be disappointed.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

confessions of a convert.

this blog is about my life through mormon eyes right?


on that note, i have something to share...

mormons talk about church a lot.

this is something i used to give my husband a hard time about {in a cute, joking way of course}... i used to tease him that he could take any conversation and "bring it back to church". in other words, he could relate anything to something "churchy".

what i have realized though is that as a member of the LDS church, church comes up every day. i am not talking a mention of the word "church", i am talking a full conversation, literally everyday, comes up naturally no matter how your day is going or what you are doing.

it is because being LDS it isn't just something you do on sunday, it is a lifestyle change. it is a part of who you are.

you could be on a date, with friends, at dinner, with family, at a theme park...it doesn't matter. sometime during the day church will come up.

i know that this is not true of other faiths...because i have lived another faith...i have friends and family of other faiths...i know many people of other faiths... it may be true of some church going people, but seriously...who talks about church everyday?!

well...i do. and i like it.

and that is my confession.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

the fourth.

we are back! after 2 days of tent sleeping, pigging out, and having a blast...we are back home and trying to get back into 'normal' day to day stuff again. 

i love the fourth of july...
spending time with family...
watching fireworks...
 eating s'mores by the fire...
playing on the beach...

it just doesn't get much better that that.

{feeling patriotic!}
{this was the husband and my residence for the weekend...very chic, we know...}
{playing bocce ball on the beach, a favorite family beach game.}
{enjoying the sunshine!}

Saturday, July 2, 2011

the temple.

we finally made it to the temple again... and can i just say, there is not a more serene, calm place that exists on this earth.

i felt like time had literally slowed down, and the husband and i could have been in there forever and not missed a thing going on in the hustle and bustle of life! i wish that the husband and i would be motivated to go more often...

why do we all, as humans, have bursts of motivation followed by periods of pure and utter laziness and lack of care?! 

it happens to everyone with work, school work, hobbies, working out, and really anything...i just wish it didn't.

if any of you out there have a magic tip about keeping motivation alive, holler at your girl. ;-p 

i wont be back until after the holiday weekend...have a WONDERFUL fourth of july, i will 'see' you all soon! 

dandelions always remind me of a firework!
so...if you cannot have fireworks where you live this weekend,
find some of the puppies and blow away!
{but don't forget to make a wish!!}