Tuesday, April 19, 2011

3 years.

it has been 3 years since this day.

time is a blur these days and i hadn't really thought about this until tonight.

i was asked by a stranger (now a new friend) how long i had been a member of the church. i realized it was the 19th and quickly remembered that i share this special day with my brother-in-law who has a birthday today.

i told her that it is exactly 3 years today that i have been a member!

with a smile, the new friend said "that is wonderful!"

all i could come up with to reply was, "it is, isn't it."

i cannot truly express how different my life is now versus before joining the church.

thinking back on all the years i spent without the impact and blessings of the church, i wonder sometimes how i made it through.

i am not going to get all preachy on all of you, because that is the LAST thing i want to do.

i just want you all to know how happy this mormon girl is...

i see everything through my eyes, through the eyes of a mormon girl, more clearly.

love you all.


1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet. =] Happy Baptism Anniversary. Best decision of your life!
