Saturday, October 17, 2009

the book of mormon...

i had realized pretty quickly that going to church would fill a large void in my life... i have always had a strong belief and faith in Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, even though i stopped going to church when i was young due to a very busy schedule...

having the feeling i should go to church started a whole new dilemma...what church should i go to?! i refused to go to the church i grew up at because they made the "new age" switch to wireless microphones and drum/guitar my opinion, the glitz and glam is not what church is all about...

one night at the sorority i was thinking about different churches. my boyfriend is LDS (mormon) so i decided to start looking up stuff about the LDS church online. i had heard some REALLY weird stuff about the church so i wanted to see if it was true... what happened was not, not, NOT good. i found what i was looking for: gross, disturbing websites about the LDS church that made me literally sick.

i started to bawl thinking about how much i loved my boyfriend but i knew i could never ever in a million years submit myself to what these websites said...right at about the peak of my crying my phone started to ring and it was him. of course he asked what was wrong and i felt even more sick to my stomach having to tell him the truth...that i looked up his church and i was disturbed by it.

what he told me then is very important... and i really want everyone reading this to know what i am about to say...the internet sucks. no, but seriously... he had me tell him everything that i was upset about and he explained the TRUTH. the internet is full of awful rumors and lies...100% of the awful things that i had read on the internet were untrue.

i hate to say it...but i had a really hard time believing everything he said...why would someone make something so awful up out of thin air?!

still crying uncontrollably when i got off the phone with him i tried to lay in bed and go to phone rang again. my boyfriend was outside my sorority and told me to come to the door. i ran down the stairs and opened the door where he stood with the book of mormon in his hands. he told me to try reading some of it if i wanted...handed me the book and with a hug he left.

i wasnt going to read any of it...but i went back up to my room and opened the book there was a message inside that he had written for me...he assured me that is was ok if i didnt believe what i read in the book and if i didnt, i could just check the church off my list of potential churches to go to and move on.

that night i read until 3:30a.m... i couldn't put it down.


  1. Kristen, thank you for sharing this. What a tender moment. I'm sure glad he called when he did.
