( i was living in my apartment for about 2 months before i went to church for the first time. )
now back to where i left off....
anyone who knows anything about the LDS church knows that there is a very strong missionary force... anyone who goes to the LDS church for the first time, or has questions about the church, or is new to anything..well... mormon, is usually introduced to the missionaries within, oh...30 seconds of entering the building. they are there to teach and inform "investigators" (those who are interested or "investigating" the church)...
...i however managed to go to church for about 2 months before i began to talk with the missionaries...i am guessing that since my attendance at church was so regular, they most likely assumed that i was already a member.
after going to church for that long, it was actually myself who decided that i wanted to meet with the missionaries. my boyfriend and i have a very honest relationship so i asked him any questions that i had, but i had the desire to meet with the missionaries because i felt like they could teach me and answer my questions better than anyone.
...i made the plan that i was going to start the missionary discussions (lessons that are taught by missionaries to further someones knowledge about the church) after the new year started in January....
i also decided that i wanted my mom to take the discussions with me... so that she would know the basics about the church...just in case.