Wednesday, September 12, 2012

bears. yikes.

a few weeks ago, 
the husband and i went camping.
i should tell you...i have only been camping once.
and there was a covered area, fireplace, bathroom, and bbq's.
oh and about 20 other people.

this time it was just me, the husband, and yup, me and the husband.

if you know anything about me, you'd know that i am an extremely paranoid person.

i am pretty sure i am afraid of my own shadow. 
and definitely afraid of the dark.

point being...
every crack of a twig there was a gasp.
every movement of leaves there was a jolt of my body 
turning towards what i was sure was either going to be a bear creeping up on us 
or some other animal i was sure wanted to eat me.

this about killed the husband.
i have to laugh about it now of course...
poor guy.
one man can only take so much fear 
before he starts second guessing himself too!


  1. YAY that you went again! It's so much fun. I'd forgotten that your first time was with us, and I'm really glad that you came with us!!! Here's to many, many more camping adventures...and a little desensitization is a good thing sometimes, I think.

    (PS--Am I the only one who finds it amusing that you're wearing a 'Grizzlies' sweatshirt?)

    1. might be the only one who READS my blog though! :) (and EmF!)
