Wednesday, September 26, 2012

sick, sick, sick

i have been at home.
feeling absolutely crummy! 
i wish i could get over this nasty bug, 
but having to go to work
 and be around little ones with more germy germs all day 
is definitely not helping.

hoping i get better soon.
because this elephant that is sitting on my chest is making it very hard to breathe! 


Saturday, September 22, 2012

old church

Jenny and I at our MIT Graduation

today, a good friend of mine is getting married.
i haven't known her very long.
but she is one of those people that makes you feel like you've known them forever.

i am so excited for her.
wedding days are full of emotion, energy, and being busy busy busy
the only advice i have for her is to take in each moment.
forget the stress.
ignore the chaos.
and enjoy her day.

her wedding ceremony is at the church that i grew up in.
i haven't been back since investigating the mormon church.
part of me is anxious to step back inside the walls.
part of me is excited...

to revisit those memories of my past and when my family was a whole.

i will let you all know how it goes. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

thursday through my eyes

a good friend of mine had a baby 10 days ago.
i had the opportunity to visit her today.

it is amazing how calm and peaceful a home is when there is a new baby around.
you can feel the precious spirit that baby brings to the house.
everyone moves slower.
talks more quietly.
and shows more love to one another. 

my friend is taking time off work and coming back in january.
i can see it in her eyes, when she talks about coming back, that she doesn't want to.
she wants to be at home with her 2 children.
it makes me sad that she has the pressure to go back.

through my eyes, there is nothing wrong with a mother staying home with her kids.
the title, "stay at home mom" should be celebrated, not chastised. 

i love the fact that LDS families celebrate stay at home mothers.
while others chastise mom's for staying at home,
saying they are "throwing away their life and degree".

i applaud all you stay at home moms.
and i pray
that one day 
the husband and i will have the means that it will be an option for us too. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


there is nothing quite like hearing a child sing.

{or laugh, or speak, or cry}

but this post is about singing.

i love music
i always have.

but being around children who are singing...
it's the best.

yesterday my nephew sang me his own "rendition" of his favorite church song.
{aka he made up some new words that may or may not need to be added to the dicitonary}
 and in this particular case, he had hand motions to go along with it.

it. was. priceless.

{i love this kid!!}

Thursday, September 13, 2012

movie making

my husband
 is in the midst of writing a screenplay, filming, and making a movie.
this summer he filmed an extended trailer which blew me away.

i know he is talented.
but i don't know 
how he surprises me so much each time he makes a new film.

today, was an awful day.
i have been on the verge of crying since 8:00am.
it made my day worse knowing that i was coming home to an empty apartment.
the husband has work to do in bellingham tonight.

the only thing that has stopped me from giving up on this day all together was 

a note.

i found it right inside the door when i got home tonight.
it was from the husband.

it's funny how the little things can make such a big difference in our lives.

no, this isn't a thursday through my eyes post.
but it was needed.

here are some sneak peaks...
feel lucky because no one, i repeat, no one has seen these.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

bears. yikes.

a few weeks ago, 
the husband and i went camping.
i should tell you...i have only been camping once.
and there was a covered area, fireplace, bathroom, and bbq's.
oh and about 20 other people.

this time it was just me, the husband, and yup, me and the husband.

if you know anything about me, you'd know that i am an extremely paranoid person.

i am pretty sure i am afraid of my own shadow. 
and definitely afraid of the dark.

point being...
every crack of a twig there was a gasp.
every movement of leaves there was a jolt of my body 
turning towards what i was sure was either going to be a bear creeping up on us 
or some other animal i was sure wanted to eat me.

this about killed the husband.
i have to laugh about it now of course...
poor guy.
one man can only take so much fear 
before he starts second guessing himself too!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

after a summer of relaxation and even some...
dare i say it...
my weeks are full of stress, pressure, and a high speed pace.
not a minute to spare.

my weekends have become full of precious time with family. 
and my bed.
i forgot how much i loved my bed.

have a great week...hopefully i will see you before thursday! :) 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

thursday through my eyes

"oh wow, i didn't realize that you were mormon"

i was thinking about this comment a lot this week.
i have heard it many times.
i don't really like it.

there are those that say, 
"i didn't know that you are mormon"
and those that say,
"i didn't know that you are mooormon"
there is a difference.
can you hear it?
the emphasis on the moooooorman.

this comment bothers me.
it reveals what that individual thinks about the LDS church?

why didn't you realize i was moooormon?
because i don't look like a cult memeber?
because i don't have 100 siblings?
because i am not strange like you thought mormons were?

i know i sound bitter.
i just wish people thought differently about mooooormons.

through my eyes, being mormon makes me a better person.
sorry thats not how you see it.