Thursday, November 11, 2010

what will the prescription be?

in the midst of the storm {more like really rainy weather} outside, i feel like i have a storm within me.

this is the happiest time of my life right?! newly married, on my way to being a teacher {my dream career} everything seems to be going my way...and yet i have been sad.

after painstakingly questioning myself for about a week i figured out my problem.

remember, this blog is to reveal the REAL feelings of one convert to the LDS church, so no judging.

although hard to admit, the problem was my motivation and passion for church...i realized that while i was happy in other aspects of my life my fire and desire for church-y things was dwindling and this made me VERY sad.

why didn't i anticipate going to church on sunday like i had for 2 years? why was it hard for me to get on my knees and pray? why did i get irritated when every conversation i had led back to church?

was something wrong with me? was i becoming a 'bad' member of the LDS faith?

i felt sick. and wanted desperately to come up with a solution.

i had figured out the problem:
diagnosed. yes.

prescription: to be filled...still.

{and most likely re-filled constantly my whole life}


  1. no, you are not bad.

    yes, it is hard and sad and disappointing.

    no, you are not abnormal.

    yes, the prescription (when you, brett & the Lord figure it out) will need to be filled, re-filled & re-filled again.

    yes, you are loved & supported.

  2. thanks dyann...crazy life! :p
