Sunday, September 18, 2011


this is the picture i wanted to share. 
amazingly it is completely raw and un-edited.

i think that it is magical...

and i love it!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


wow. it has been quite a while hasn't it.
the past few weeks that i have been gone {aka not blogging} have been a whirlwind of learning and growth.

i started teaching, have been spending more time with the husband, more time sleeping, and more time thinking than i feel like...well ever. 

isn't it funny,
that when you have nothing going on, you feel like you don't get anything done...
then, when your days are full you make time for whats important and seem to get more done that ever?!

the weekend after school started,
the husband and i drove to eastern washington so that he
could get some footage he needed for a film.
you are probably thinking.
BOO, 5 hours in a car in eastern washington...NOT fun! 
but i have to say,
it was one of the best trips i have taken. 
i loved having along time with the Mr.

i loved that it was just us.
{i have a picture to share, but amazing technology will not let me...i will save it for later}

i am so grateful at this time to have
a husband who is so loving and supportive.

i wouldn't say that august was our best month of marriage.
{don't get me wrong, everything is fine}
we just...didn't really see each other.
i was so busy planning that i had little time for anything else.

and what did husband say or do about it...
he gave me hugs and kisses every day and each and every day
told me how proud he is of me.


i really don't know what i would do without that man.